Member Categories and Rates: Professional

Professional Membership

$60-270/year (Based on Income)

The AAR serves as the largest learned society dedicated to the academic study of religion. Through the AAR's many programs and services, members from around the world can connect at in-person events, through online communities, and as volunteer leaders on committees, task forces, and juries.

Select your career track below to begin the application process. 

Applied Religious Studies

Scholars with employment inside of academia but outside of teaching or research positions, or with employment in the public, private, or nonprofit sectors outside of academia

Part-time Contingent

Scholars not classified by their employer as full-time employees, and not tenure-track

Full-time Contingent

Scholars classified by their employer as full-time employees, and not tenure-track

Independent Scholar

Scholars conducting research but not affiliated with an academic institution or other institution supporting that research