Beyond the Professoriate

The E-Learning Platform

Beyond the Professoriate has developed resources to aid students, post-docs, and mentors in demystifying the job market—both academic and beyond—in its e-learning platform. AAR members can access the video library and interactive material, which cover faculty careers and professional careers outside of academia. For scholars who are exploring careers in industry, non-profits, government, publishing, higher education administration and more, Aurora has a rich trove of interviews and panels that can help a scholar decide which path is right for them.

Watch an interview with the team behind this innovative tool to learn more about how it can help scholars of religion explore their options.

For AAR Members

Current AAR members can access this benefit by clicking the button below and selecting "American Academy of Religion." (You must first be logged into your AAR account.)

Access Beyond the Professoriate

Upcoming Events

Visit this page to see upcoming events that can help guide your job search outside of academia. 

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