Webinar: AI’s Impact on Teaching and Research


March 27, 2024
3:00 PM ET
Presented on Zoom



Now that we’re over halfway through the 2023-24 academic year, it is a good time to assess the impact that AI is having on teaching and research in the study of religion—whether that means its use by students in our classes, how faculty themselves employ it in their research and teaching, or even how administrators may already be using it to run the university. Our guest has wide experience in a variety of technologies currently in use on campuses (whether in or outside of the classroom) and the session is intended to be of benefit both for those new to considering AI’s impact on their work (and work conditions) as well as those already accustomed to working with it.


Nathan Loewen | Loewen is associate professor in the department of religious studies at the University of Alabama; he is a philosopher of religion, a member of the Global Critical Philosophy of Religion team, and, for half of his faculty appointment, works on a wide variety of technology and pedagogy projects for UA’s College of Arts and Sciences.


Russell T. McCutcheon | McCutcheon is a University Research Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Alabama, where he was also a longtime Department Chair. He chairs the AAR’s Academic Relations Committee.